Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Year of the Super Woman

No, this has nothing to do with Women's lib.

2008, in my opinion was the year of the SuperWoman. We saw more women involved in Politics. Hilary was in the Presidential race. Artistes like Beyonce and Alicia Keys released
singles that celebrated women. I mean "Single Ladies" and "Super Woman" respectively.

What about the Church? Yes, women got bolder it looks like..........I am happy about this but as
we enter 2009, let us remember Proverbs 31: 10-31. For us married women, specifically
1) Her Husband's confidence vs. 11&12
2) Her Husband's respect vs. 23

May God give us wisdom on being the women, daughters, wives and mothers God wants us to be. Amen.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why DeborahofZion?

As you may have noticed, I picked DeborahofZion as my blog name. For many years now, I have used this as my user name on many sites. The reason?

Well, let's start with Deborah. My parent's didn't give me a christian name, so when I became a born-again christian , I took the liberty to give myself one. I chose Deborah, way before I met my darling husband whose mother's name is Deborah :-)

Deborah is one of the great women mentioned in the bible. She is mentioned in Judges 4 and 5.
There are four characteristics that I strive towards by the grace of God. They are her leadership skills, her confidence, courage and wisdom.

Zion is a place. I have always been so different, so I figured why not be DeborahofZion. Seriously, do you see me laughing.

Bye for now.

My First Blog Entry


I attended the wedding of a long-time friend. I met several people I haven't seen in years, and I had a great time. It also brought back so many memories, that reminded me how rich my life has been. I have been blessed indeed. I decided to start a blog to just share my insights, my ideas. Well really, I have been thinking of doing this for a while.............

I hope that by reading my blog you are encouraged, exhorted and edified.

Thanks for reading, stay tuned.